Babcock Africa, Transport Solutions, DAF Used Trucks

DAF Used Trucks

When quality is what counts

DAF is a market leader when it comes to reliability and low operational costs. Their philosophy is to ensure the highest return per kilometre at a low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), even when you choose a used DAF. All DAF Used Trucks are thoroughly inspected by Babcock technicians. The service records of the majority of used DAF trucks are available for inspection.

Premium Select

This is our quality hallmark for the very best in used DAF trucks, ready to drive and with a 6 month driveline warranty. To achieve Premium Select status, every DAF has to undergo a tough examination. The truck has to pass all 200 points on the Babcock checklist and undergo a thorough visual and technical examination.

To see the range of Premium Select trucks we have on offer and their specifications, visit our seller’s page on Truck and Trailer.
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