Babcock Africa, Volvo, Volvo Wheel Loaders

Volvo Wheel Loaders

A Volvo wheel loader puts power at the operator’s fingertips.

The Volvo Care Cab provides a safe, comfortable workspace with excellent visibility.  Volvo patented Torque Parallel linkage delivers high breakout torque and excellent parallel movement through the entire lifting range. The Fully Automatic Power Shift (FAPS) system automatically selects the right gear allowing the operator to concentrate on the job. A superb range of Volvo attachments makes your wheel loader more than just a loading shovel, while the hydraulic bracket allows in-cab attachment changes in under a minute. 
Explore the 2.0 Loader Upgrade

Volvo wheel loaders are available in a range of sizes with operating weights from 12 to 56 tonnes.
L60H, L90H, L150H, L180HL220H, L350H


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