DAF Trucks have once again proven their performance as an all-rounder, this time as tanker trailers for Legacy Bulk. The Cape-based liquid logistics company took delivery of five DAF XF 480 Smart trucks from Babcock in the first quarter of the year to transport food-grade liquid products along short- and long-haul routes in South Africa. Wynand Krause, Operations
Logistics specialist builds legacy with DAF
Director at Legacy Bulk, says that the DAF trucks’ performance has exceeded the company’s expectations in terms of fuel consumption, and that the favourable total cost of ownership places the DAFs as firm contenders for the company’s expansion plans.
Krause says that the one of the motivating factors behind Legacy Bulk’s decision to add DAF trucks to their growing fleet was the compelling comparison data they obtained from TruckScience. This comparison software allows truck buyers to compare specifications such as payload capacity, performance, fuel efficiency, driver comfort and safety against leading truck brands. The tool also takes into consideration trailer specification, application and routing.
“According to the calculations, the DAF XF 480 Smart truck emerged as one of the top performers for our specific application and routes, beating some of the leading truck brands available in South Africa,” says Krause. “This, combined with competitive pricing and strong aftersales support from Babcock, prompted us to invest in the DAF brand.
“Having run the trucks for a few months on local and long-haul routes, I am very pleased to report that the calculations generated by the TruckScience software have proven to be accurate, and that our fuel costs are substantially lower than the industry average of 50% of turnover, which is really excellent,” enthuses Krause.
“Furthermore, we have received outstanding service from Babcock’s service centres, with service turnaround times of less than 24 hours for those trucks that have reached their service mileage. Babcock’s service teams have demonstrated their full commitment to assisting our emerging company to succeed by prioritising the services and getting our trucks back on the road as soon as possible.
“It is reassuring to know that Babcock have service centres and breakdown assistance across the country so that we can access both types of services quickly when required,” says Krause.
He adds that Legacy Bulk has also received positive feedback about the DAF trucks from their drivers, who are enjoying the spacious cabs, less frequent fuel stops, and driving a truck that is in top condition.
“The success of any logistics business largely depends on its drivers, and we are fortunate to have a great team of drivers who take pride in the trucks in which they spend a large amount of time. We want to ensure that they are as comfortable as possible, feel safe driving a truck that is properly maintained, and receive full back-up support when needed.” All drivers also receive comprehensive training on the DAF trucks, facilitated by Babcock.
“Together with Babcock and our drivers, we have developed a winning formula that incorporates route optimisation, fuel efficiency and service support. We hope to scale up our operations by the end of the year based on this formula, and will be looking at adding further DAFs to our fleet as soon as the tankers are available,” says Krause.