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02 April 2015

Top performing DAF dealership in SA

Headed up by Bertus Kritzinger, Central Commercial Truck (CCT) in Estoire, Bloemfontein offers a spectrum of DAF services - from truck sales, service and repairs, to financing.  Kritzinger, who brings 30 years of experience in transportation to bear on the local market, says CCT’s mission is to offer their customers a full package.  “We offer our full attention to each customer’s unique requirements,” says Kritzinger.   When a customer wishes to purchase a DAF truck, CCT conducts a comprehensive analysis of their transport requirements.   This helps to determine their needs more accurately and provide a vehicle that will optimise payload and fuel efficiency in their particular application.

Top performing DAF dealership in SA


Trailord SA, a sister company, provides the DAF customer with state-of-the-art trailers that achieve up to three tons more payload than competitors’ trailers. This product alliance places CCT and DAF well ahead of the market.


In the Free State and Northern Cape regions Trailfin (Pty) Ltd, a CCT subsidiary assists sales personnel to obtain finance.  A dedicated financial team is also able to provide clients with cash flow projections and cost saving methods to achieve higher profit margins.


CCT is bent on achieving maximum sales volumes and as a result the dealership is open from 07h30 to 17h00 six days a week, with a full spares stockholding and parts distribution centre.  Three service bays are manned by two qualified mechanics. The workshop manager and mechanics are on 24 hours’ standby for parts supply and roadside assistance throughout the Free State and Northern Cape Provinces.


“We want to grow with our local transport companies and establish DAF as a well proven and reliable brand in South Africa,” he comments. “It’s not difficult to get our customers excited about DAF trucks — with Babcock’s backing, they’re proving to be absolute gems in the South African transport industry. They are built to be strong, reliable and fuel efficient and drivers love the cab comfort and volume, which enhances the whole driving experience.”


In the seven months since being appointed an approved DAF dealership, CCT has become one of Babcock’s top performing South African DAF dealerships in terms of vehicles sold per month.

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