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25 October 2017

Why use Volvo coolants?

Volvo’s highly specialised coolant formula has been approved and developed specifically for Volvo engines by Volvo engineers under the highest standards of quality, safety and environmental care.

Why use Volvo coolants?

These coolants increase engine life due to their superior thermal transfer and optimal corrosion protection. They are designed to be compatible with all Volvo-specific materials used in Volvo machines and protect the entire cooling system, thus preventing leakages.

 There are two types of coolants available from Volvo:

  • Volvo Coolant (green coolant)
  • Volvo Coolant VCS (yellow coolant)

Concentrated coolants should always be mixed with de-ionised water and never used in the concentrated form. Likewise, the ready-mix variety should not be diluted. The different types of Volvo coolants offer anti-freeze protection ranging from -25°C to – 46°C. These coolants are shipped across the globe and used in some of the most challenging environments and climates.

(Note: Volvo Coolant and Volvo Coolant VCS are completely different and cannot be mixed. If in doubt refer to your operator manual or speak to your nearest Babcock dealer)  

The risks
It’s important to service your machines through an approved Volvo dealer to avoid risking your machine warranty. Using the wrong coolant or mixing coolants can result in serious damage to the cooling system of the engine, and can lead to:
Volvo Coolants - Keep your Volvo a Volvo

  • Corrosion
  • Pitting
  • Leakages
  • Deposits
  • ​Overheating​

Competitive Comparisons
Using a coolant with insufficient corrosion protection might reduce the upfront cost but it can result in the need for costly repairs.

Volvo coolant VCS was tested against three other high quality Organic Additive Technology coolants and outperformed in terms of protection against corrosion, cavitation and deposit formation. This means that Volvo Coolants will enable your machine to perform better for longer, increasing uptime and saving on overall costs.

Using Volvo Coolants is the best insurance for peace of mind, long term component lifetime in your Volvo machine and is the key to trouble free operation under all working conditions.



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