​Skills development done simply for the sake of numbers does not guarantee an organisation’s transformation. However, when implemented to drive true change, an organisation will be able to truly see and feel the transformation. Our first project to upskill people with disabilities effected such tangible change as well as dramatically changing the lives of the young learners.
Disability Learnership Programme
Our intentions were twofold: Firstly, ensure that we were ready to accessibly accommodate people with disabilities at an organisational level; secondly, to create an environment that was attitudinally ready to integrate learners with disabilities allowing them to acquire the knowledge and experience they needed.
Said Imogen Rossam, Business Development Consultant at Progression (an organisation that offers a range of human resource development and transformation solutions): "We undertook a full Environmental Assessment audit across various Babcock sites to evaluate accessibility for people with disabilities. Progression conducted five Disability Awareness & Sensitisation Workshops across various business units to ensure that HR, Managers and general staff understood the importance of change and that the integration of people with disabilities is a long-term part of Babcock’s transformation strategy."
The programme was officially rolled out in May 2014 with five learners from a variety race and ethnic backgrounds being chosen to participate. “What was really amazing was watching the learners prove themselves through performance. That was when real transformation took place," said Rossam.
The first phase of the project ended in April 2015 and three of the five learners will be commencing with the second phase of the programme, a National Certificate: Business Administration, NQF4, soon. Due to the success of the project, there are already plans in the pipeline to recruit more learners with disabilities in 2016.