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02 December 2021

Reliability maintenance for boilers and associated power generation plant

Even as South Africa transitions to a low carbon future, whatever the technologies employed, a culture of proper reliability maintenance of all plant is needed, including coal-fired power stations, boilers and associated equipment, throughout the plant lifecycle.

Reliability maintenance for boilers and associated power generation plant


To execute reliability maintenance by the book, issues such as aging plant, inadequate reserve margin and financial constraints will be covered, together with the need for adequate forward planning, partnering with OEMs, availability of spares, and local skills and capacity development.


In a webinar hosted by EE Business Intelligence  (supported by DBSA, Eskom, Sasol, Babcock, Actom and EPRI) we will discuss why it is important to maintain the cycles of maintenance and reduce downtime of boiler and auxiliary plant systems, and how to get this done.


Webinar info

DATE: Tuesday 7 December 2021

TIME: 12h00 to 14h30

PLATFORM: Zoom Webinar


EE Business Intelligence is hosting a series of webinars on the critical role of reliability maintenance for sustainable electricity supply.


This first webinar will focus on reliability maintenance of boilers and associated plant in power stations and industrial boiler applications in the petrochemical, sugar, pulp and paper industries.

Presenters and panelists


The webinar will be opened by Chris Yelland, managing director at EE Business Intelligence, who will set the scene and introduce the opening keynote speaker, Eskom COO Jan Oberholzer, followed by presenters and panellists including:


- Lungile Mashele, Energy Specialist, Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)

- Rightwell Laxa, Senior Vice President, Sasolburg & Ekandustria Operations, Sasol 

- Kent Coleman, Manager, Boiler Life and Availability Improvement, EPRI, USA

- Thava Govender, CEO, Babcock Ntuthuko Engineering

- Ewert Snyman, Engineering Manager, Actom / John Thompson Boilers

- Mike RossouwConsultant


Register to attend the webinar free-of-charge here

For further information, contact Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence,

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