Going beyond.

Working here is more than just a job - it's an opportunity to make a real difference.

People who work at Babcock are here because they are really good at what they do. Fuelled by passion and guided by a strong sense of purpose, our people continue to preserve the Babcock legacy.

Our Purpose

To create a safe and secure world together. This is our purpose. It’s why we exist and what we always strive for.


Babcock employs individuals across a wide range of professions.

To ensure fairness and legal compliance in our recruitment processes, we only accept CV's / resumes that are sent when applying to a specific vacancy. We do not review or respond to unsolicited resume submissions or requests for employment. We do not advertise our vacancies online. Recruitment is managed via appointed specialists in the industries in which we are active.

Day In The Life

Our people form the core of what makes us great.


Skills Development and Enterprise Development are the cornerstone of sustainable transformation.
Babcock has aligned its transformation activities with Skills Development, EE and B-BBEE requirements. Babcock has invested in a number of key initiatives that will have far-reaching positive benefits to the beneficiaries of these programmes and contribute to job creation as well as economic growth in the long-term.

Socio Economic Development (SED)

Babcock funds educational programmes with specific focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) such as the Thandulwazi Maths & Science Academy. Our objective is to increase the number of engineering graduates, thereby creating a pool of trained engineers for the future.

Enterprise Development (ED)

Babcock selects deserving entrepreneurs to participate in Babcock’s ED programme. Entrepreneurs with the potential to become future suppliers are chosen from the fields of construction, recruitment, gardening, engineering, security & cleaning.

Website Survey Feedback

To help us improve our website, we’d like to ask you a few questions about your experience today.

1. Were you able to find what you were looking for?

2. Was it easy to find what you were looking for?

3. Did it take you more or less time than you expected to find what you were looking for?

4. Were you looking for...

5. What do you like the most about our website?

6. What do you like the least about our website?
