Having recently completed the Babcock Graduate Programme, mechanical engineer Rylan Naidoo believes the programme has provided him with a solid foundation to become a “good engineer”.
Graduate Programme offers solid foundation for engineers
Rylan holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering (BEng Mech) from the University of Pretoria. Whilst at university, he did some vacation work at Babcock. During this period, he was made aware of the programme.
“It is a phenomenal programme. Not only does it introduce engineers in training to Babcock company procedures and operational systems, but also provides exposure to design, fabrication and construction environments,” he says.
Rylan explains that the company assigns an engineering manager to mentor trainee engineers, which allows for skills transfer and personal development. In addition, it breaks down the communication barriers and allows for in-depth learning opportunities.
Rylan commends Babcock for playing a leading role in skills development. “It is important for engineers in training to get exposure to a corporate environment at the earliest possible opportunity. This helps with personal development, career planning and skills development,” he says.
He also believes that the initiative serves the company well, as graduates can more easily be integrated into the organisation’s culture and operational systems. “It also secures the company’s future as there is continuity in the skills required to maintain current capabilities and also expand into new areas,” says Rylan.
He is of the view that graduates provide fresh minds that can identify opportunities that others may not see. This is very much in line with Babcock’s “Be Curious” principle, which encourages a culture of challenging the status quo and asking, ‘how might we?’
Looking ahead, Rylan plans to continue working at Babcock and further develop his skillset. “There is still so much to learn,” he says. “The company offers many opportunities to study further, which is key to both personal and company development. The plan is to build a sustainable Babcock so that we can ‘create a safe and secure world together’.”