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White Paper
25 August 2022

Product Data Management

Babcock utilises the (Product Lifecycle Management) PLM tool Siemens Teamcenter to ensure the data integrity, availability, and security of project data in the execution of any complex or non-complex engineering project. Product Data Management supports the engineering process by capturing the product data throughout the entire Life Cycle, from Concept, Design, Construction, As-Built, and Maintenance Phases.

Product Data Management


Through Teamcenter the configuration of a plant is being controlled by creating a breakdown structure that represents the hardware of the plant, system, sub-system, or components in a hierarchical structure. This structure is the basis for controlling the configuration of hardware and to establish baselines. Teamcenter capabilities and processes are tailored to Babcock requirements to maintain configuration of our plants.



Figure 1: Typical Product Lifecycle Phases


Engineering Data Management and Product Lifecycle Management are the processes that keep record of engineering work and the configuration of the plants where Babcock executes work. The efficiency of these processes and the protection of our Intellectual Property are greatly enhanced with the abilities of Teamcenter PLM software.

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